E-mail: cnr-ipcb.segreteria.ct@cnr.it |  Call: +39 095-7338211 |  Address: Via Paolo Gaifami 18, 9 -95126 Catania - Italy

IPCB CT Know How Know how italian page

IPCB CT Instrumentation and Know How

Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials of CNR - Secondary Location of Catania (IPCB CT) - laboratories are equipped with high-performance Instrumentation of next generation.

It enables to perform advanced techniques of analysis and to provide Mass Spectrometry facility (MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, SEC-MALDI Analysis of Polymers, Proteolysis and identification of proteins from SDS-PAGE gels, Electrospray mass spectrometry).
The Instrumentation is used by postgraduate students and research staff of Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials of CNR - Secondary Location of Catania (IPCB CT)- but is also available for external contract work.


The research of Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials of CNR - Secondary Location of Catania (IPCB CT) - focuses on chemistry of polymers: new polymeric materials, recycling, biodegradable polymers, polymer blends, glycomics, glycoproteomics and proteomics.

IPCB CT activity is carried out through several research projects grouped in thematic areas: Structural characterization, chemical modification, degradation and stabilization of polymeric materials; Specialty Polymers; Structural characterization, chemical modification of natural polymers.

Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials of CNR (IPCB) Catania has specially expertise into the following fields:

  • Thermal Degradation mechanisms of polymers;
  • Polymer Recycling by Pyrolysis;
  • Molecular weight distribution of Polydisper Polymers by Maldi-Tof Mass Spectromerty;
  • End-groups analysis of polymer by Maldi-Tof Mass Spectrometry;
  • Composition and seguence analysis of biological and syntetic copolymers by Mass Spectrometry;
  • Exchange reactions occurring in the melt-mixing of polymer blends;
  • Synthesis of blok copolymers of PC/Ny6;
  • Compatibilitation effect PC/Ny6 blok colpolymers in Polycarbonate/Nylon 6 blends;
  • Syntesis of polymers and copolymers with NLO and Photocatalytic properties;
  • Structural characteritation of complex polysaccharides;
  • Glycomics
  • Glycoproteomics
  • Proteomics
  • Structural characteritation of lipopolysaccharides

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