E-mail: cnr-ipcb.segreteria.ct@cnr.it |  Call: +39 095-7338211 |  Address: Via Paolo Gaifami 18, 9 -95126 Catania - Italy

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Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials

Secondary Location of Catania

IPCB Catania is a secondary location of Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials , part of the network of CNR research Institutes. IPCB is acronym for Istitute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials.
The main location of IPCB/CNR Institute is in Pozzuoli (NA). Other secondary locations of IPCB Institute are IPCB Secondary Location of Lecco and IPCB Secondary Location of Napoli/Portici.

IPCB Catania research

Main research topics at IPCB Secondary Location of Catania are: structural characterization, chemical modification, degradation and stabilization of polymeric materials; synthesis and characterization of specialty polymers; structural characterization and chemical modification of natural polymers.
wordcloud of IPCB Catania research The research of IPCB Secondary Location of Catania focuses on chemistry of polymers: new polymeric materials, recycling, biodegradable polymers, polymer blends, glycomics, glycoproteomics and proteomics. IPCB Catania laboratories are equipped with high-performance Instrumentation of next generation. It enables our researchers to perform advanced techniques of analysis and to provide Mass Spectrometry facility: MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, SEC-MALDI Analysis of Polymers, Proteolysis and identification of proteins from SDS-PAGE gels, Electrospray mass spectrometry (Mariner ESI -TOF). IPCB Catania staff is composed of 18 researchers, 3 technologists, 4 technicians and 2 administratives, for a total of 27 units. Moreover, the Institute hosts numerous students and post-doctors.
IPCB Secondary Location of Catania has established many collaborations with national and international universities and research centres and it collaborates with several SMEs and big companies by supporting them in the development of new materials and improvement of existing production processes. Further the SMEs are also supported in the preparation of research projects to be present in national and regional calls.
IPCB in Catania has more then 600 ISI publications. View our publications database for more informations.

IPCB Secondary Location of Catania history

Our Institute was founded in 1981 with the name of ICTMP (Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Polymeric Material) and until 2002 was directed by Prof. Giorgio Montaudo.

In October 2002, ICTMP and IRTEMP (Institute of Research and Technology of Plastic Materials) were fused into a single Institute: ICTP (Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers).
From this date the director was Prof. Cosimo Carfagna, and Dr. Concetto Puglisi was the head of the Catania Institute (read about ICTP on the CNR web site).

In February 2014 ICTP and IMCB (Institute for Composite and Biomedical Materials) were fused into a bigger Institute, IPCB (Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials). IPCB is associated to the Department of Chemical Science and Materials of CNR.
The director was Prof. Cosimo Carfagna, and Dr. Concetto Puglisi was the head of the Catania Institute.

From January 2019 to August 2022 Prof. Luigi Ambrosio was the Director of IPCB.

From February 2019 to March 2024, Dr. Domenico Garozzo was the head of the Catania Institute.

From September 2022 to February 2023 Dr. Domenico Garozzo was the Acting Director of IPCB.

From February 2023 to June 2023 Prof. Teodoro Valente was the Director of IPCB.

From June 2023 Dr. Eugenio Amendola is the Acting Director of IPCB.

From April 2024, Dr.ssa Sabrina Carola Carroccio is the head of the Catania Institute.

Read more about IPCB on the CNR web site...more

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